How Do You Measure The Area For A Turf Installation?

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    Putting up turf is a fantastic method to make your backyard look more presentable. Whether you’re laying sod for a new lawn or putting green, it’s important to get an accurate measurement of the area so you can buy the proper amount of grass.

    But how can you figure out how much turf to put down? Incorrectly estimating the area might lead to over or under-purchasing turf, resulting in extra costs or a half-finished job.

    As a result, getting the proper amount of turf and ensuring a successful installation depends on precise measurements. So that you can confidently plan your turf installation project, this post will go through some simple and practical ways to estimate an area for just a turf installation.

    Turf Measuring Instructions

    Turf installation cost of synthetic grass is the most often requested question.

    This is perhaps the most frequently asked question and the one for which there is no simple answer.

    The essential consideration in determining how much it will cost to install artificial grass is the area to be covered.

    What is the exact square footage of said area where artificial grass is desired?

    More materials, time, & work are needed to cover a greater area, so expect to pay more.

    A more precise estimate of the price of installing artificial grass at your home or business can be obtained by first determining the total area that needs covering.

    Learn how to measure turf and determine its square footage with this helpful guide.

    How To Measure And Calculate Square Footage For Artificial Turf

    The possibilities for where artificial grass can be placed are practically endless.

    Such flexibility extends to the dimensions of the area you intend to cover with synthetic turf.

    We’ll use the term “lawn” to refer to the same locations we’ll be measuring, but the same principles apply to measuring any area for synthetic turf.

    The same methods of measurement can be used on a roof, patio, deck, dog run, back garden, as well as backyard.

    We’ll demonstrate measuring and calculating square footage for a variety of area types, including but not limited to:

    • rectangle and square lawns
    • oval lawns
    • Turquoise-coloured lawns
    • L-shaped grasses

    What Equipment Do I Need To Measure?  

    You only need several tools to measure a room to determine its square footage accurately.

    Once you measure your yard or other outdoor area, you’ll need the following.

    • A measuring tape
    • Writer’s implement
    • Paper (any will do, but graph papers are ideal for irregularly shaped regions) with grid lines drawn on it.
    • Calculator

    There are a few things you’ll need to get an exact measurement of your lawn in preparation for turf installation. The most important items are listed below.

    lawn 4

    Tape Measurement

    The tape measure is a must-have for precisely determining the dimensions of your lawn. A tape measure is useful for determining the size of individual regions or the overall dimensions of an irregularly shaped lawn.

    Wheel Of Measurement

    A measuring wheel is an efficient way to determine the distance all around the edge of a large lawn. For lawns that are round or otherwise non-rectangular in shape, a measurement wheel is an indispensable tool.

    GPS Measurement Software

    If you want an exact measurement of your lawn’s size, a GPS measurement application may be helpful. Using your phone’s GPS, these programmes can determine how big your grass is. It’s important to remember, too, that mobile apps aren’t always as precise as manual measurements.

    Google Earth Or Mapmyrun Are Two Options.

    You can obtain a rough idea of how big your lawn is by using a service like Google Earth or MapMyRun. To calculate how big your lawn is, these apps consult satellite imagery. These instruments aren’t always as precise as other types of measuring equipment, though.

    FAQs About Turf Installation

    How do I know which unit to use when measuring my lawn for turf installation?

    Use square feet if you are in the United States and square meters if you are in most other countries.

    Can I estimate the area of my lawn for turf installation?

    While estimating can be done, it is always best to measure accurately for the best results.

    How do I measure irregularly shaped lawns for turf installation?

    Break the area down into smaller, more manageable sections and measure each section separately.

    Do I need to consider the slope of my lawn when measuring for turf installation?

    Yes, it is essential to measure the slope and adjust your measurements accordingly to ensure an even turf installation.

    How do I account for obstacles such as trees and flower beds when measuring for turf installation?

    Please measure around the obstacles and subtract their area from the total area for an accurate measurement.

    The Step-By-Step Turf Measuring Guide 

    You may now calculate how many square feet of artificial grass will be needed for your yard or other area.

    Don’t worry if you don’t know how to accomplish this.

    We’ll explain everything in detail and help you along the way.

    STEP 1: Measure The Widest And Longest Points. 

    Measure your area as though it were a rectangle and square for the most straightforward results, regardless of its shape.

    Extend your dimensions so the area can fit into a rectangle or square if it has rounded corners, slopes, sharp angles, or an unusual design.

    Remember that the manufacturer typically ships rolls of artificial turf measuring 15 feet by 100 feet.

    If you require a piece of turf in a shape other than a square, rectangle, or circle, you’ll have to cut it.

    We’ve created some original images to illustrate how to take accurate measurements for artificial grass on various lawn configurations.

    Lawns In Squares And Rectangular  

    The most straightforward measurements for turf can be made on a rectangular or square lawn.

    Make sure your lawn’s dimensions match those in the diagram by measuring its length and width.

    Since most artificial grass rolls are 15 feet wide, you must cut your area into 15-foot-wide sections.

    To avoid wasting too much grass, your lawn should be no wider than 15 feet.

    Lawns In Rounds 

    It’s not hard to figure out how much square footage a spherical room has.

    Now, get a ruler and some graph paper, and sketch your circular lawn to scale.

    Then, find the length of each of the 15-foot-wide strips you’ve created from the circle.

    L-Shape Lawns  

    An L-shaped lawn presents some additional challenges when trying to determine its dimensions.

    You should create two equal rectangular portions out of the space.

    Using a measuring tape, tally up the dimensions of each square or rectangle.

    Then, measure the perimeter of each rectangle.

    In the following, you’ll combine them.

    Lawns With Triangular Shapes  

    Depending on the size of your triangular lawn, taking its measurements can be a breeze or a hassle.

    The area of the triangle can be considered equal to that of a half square if its widest side is less than 15 feet.

    Take readings on the two adjacent triangle portions, which meet at a straight angle.

    The following instructions are for larger triangular lawns.

    First, get some graph paper and measure all three parts of your triangle.

    The x-axis leg of either triangle is then subdivided into 15-foot segments, as demonstrated in the above image.

    Take each 15-foot segment and find the length of the turf strip by determining where another hypotenuse (the longest leg of the triangle) intersects the y-axis.

    If the length of your x-axis leg isn’t divisible by 15, plan for an extra turf strip to cover the difference.

    Remember that turf grows in specific directions, making it impossible to use random pieces to cover a tiny area.

    lawn 3

    STEP 2: Multiply The Width By The Length. 

    Multiply the length by width to obtain the floor space of a rectangle or square yard.

    For instance:

    • Your lawn will require 540 square feet of fresh turf if it is 30 feet broad and 18 feet long.
    • To cover an area of 2,432 square feet in grass, you would need a yard at least 64 feet wide and 38 feet long.

    Finding out how much turf you’ll need for a lawn with an irregular shape like a circle, L, or triangle takes a little more work, but it’s still not too difficult.

    To figure out how much fake grass you’ll need for your project, you’ll need first to establish how many square feet will be needed for each turf strip and then add those numbers together.

    Regardless of the actual shape of your lawn, visualising it as a grid of rectangles may prove useful.

    Using the triangle lawn as an example, you would require three artificial grass strips measuring

    • The area is 720 square feet (15 x 48).
    • Four hundred eighty square feet is equal to 15 by 32 feet.
    • The area is 270 square feet (15 x 18 feet).

    There is a maximum of 1,470 sq ft when these strips are added together.

    To determine the total floor space of fake grass for a circular, L-shaped lawn, measure the square of each strip of turf needed and add the results together.

    STEP 3: Check Cost Estimated Areas 

    If you know how much space you want to cover with synthetic grass, we can give you a more precise quote.

    Remember that other aspects besides the square footage affect the price of installing artificial grass.

    Some variables that affect how much you’ll pay for synthetic turf are outlined below.

    • Estimated Square Footage of the Project
    • Quantity of Advance Setup Preparation of the Site is Essential [i.e. Cutting Grass, Cutting 
    • Bushes, Cutting Trees, Cutting Rocks, Capping Sprinklers, Relocating Irrigation Networks, etc.
    • Species of Turf or Turf Product Selected
    • Classification of Fill Material
    • Pads, Bender Board, Foam, Drainage Membrane, and Others as Accessories.

    A turf installation’s final price will depend on these primary elements and various secondary considerations.

    Encouraging Double-Checking And Measurement

    It is essential to take precise measurements of the area to be turfed to avoid either buying too little or too much turf. Double-checking numbers and taking different measurements are good techniques to avoid making mistakes.

    Checking your measures twice for accuracy is crucial for the following reasons:

    • You can save money and time by accurately estimating the square footage of your lawn before making any turf purchases. You can avoid this kind of problem by checking your work twice.
    • Taking an extra moment to measure can save you time and money in the long run. If you don’t get enough turf, you’ll have to place another order and wait until it does arrive, which will postpone your work. Overordering turf will result in higher costs due to the premium price of the excess grass.
    • Accurate Measurement: Your lawn’s size can be more precisely determined if you measure it twice. The turf will fit without any gaps or uneven areas if you measure and cut with this much precision.

    While installing turf, it’s important to double-check your measurements and calculations to save waste, save time & expense, and get a perfect fit. If you take enough time to verify your dimensions twice, you can have a gorgeous lawn while wasting less material and spending less money.


    The most important details in this text are how to measure and calculate square footage for artificial turf. To accurately measure an area for a turf installation, it is important to get an accurate measurement of the area to be covered. This can be done by using a measuring tape, a writing implement, paper with grid lines drawn on it, and a calculator. To measure a room, you will need a measuring tape, a writing implement, paper with grid lines drawn on it, and a calculator. These tools are essential for accurately measuring a room to determine its square footage accurately.


    The most important items for getting an exact measurement of a lawn are a tape measure, wheel of measurement, GPS measurement software, and the Step-By-Step Turf Measuring Guide. The tape measure is useful for determining the size of individual regions or the overall dimensions of an irregularly shaped lawn. The wheel of measurement is an efficient way to determine the distance all around the edge of a large lawn. GPS measurement software can be used to determine how big the grass is. The Step-By-Step Turf Measuring Guide explains how to take accurate measurements for artificial grass on various lawn configurations.

    The most important details in this text are how to determine the dimensions of a circular, L-shape, or triangular lawn. To determine the dimensions of a circle, L-shape, or triangular lawn, it is necessary to measure the area of the two adjacent triangle portions, which meet at a straight angle. To determine the dimensions of a triangular lawn, it is necessary to measure the area of the two adjacent triangle portions, which meet at a straight angle, and multiply the length by the width to obtain the floor space of a rectangle or square yard. To determine the dimensions of an irregular shape, it is necessary to establish how many square feet will be needed for each turf strip and then add those numbers together. Visualising the shape of a lawn as a grid of rectangles can help determine the total floor space of fake grass.

    Other factors that affect the price of installing artificial grass include estimated square footage, quantity of advance setup, species of turf, selection of fill material pads, Bender Board, Foam, Drainage Membrane, and accessories. Encourage double-checking and measurement. It is important to take precise measurements of the area to be turfed to avoid buying too little or too much turf. Double-checking numbers and taking different measurements are good techniques to avoid making mistakes.


    To save money and time, it is important to accurately estimate the square footage of the lawn before making any turf purchases. To ensure a perfect fit, it is important to double-check your measurements and calculations twice.


    Content Summary: 

    • Whether you’re laying sod for a new lawn or putting green, it’s important to get an accurate measurement of the area so you can buy the proper amount of grass.
    • But how can you figure out how much turf to put down?
    • As a result, getting the proper amount of turf and ensuring a successful installation depends on precise measurements.
    • So that you can confidently plan your turf installation project, this post will go through some simple and practical ways to estimate an area for just a turf installation.
    • The installation cost of synthetic grass is the most often requested question.
    • The essential consideration in determining how much it will cost to install artificial grass is the area to be covered.
    • What is the exact square footage of said area where artificial grass is desired?More materials, time, & work are needed to cover a greater area, so expect to pay more.
    • A more precise estimate of the price of installing artificial grass at your home or business can be obtained by first determining the total area that needs covering.
    • Learn how to measure turf and determine its square footage with this helpful guide.
    • Such flexibility extends to the dimensions of the area you intend to cover with synthetic turf.
    • You only need several tools to measure a room to determine its square footage accurately.
    • There are a few things you’ll need to get an exact measurement of your lawn in preparation for turf installation.
    • The tape measure is a must-have for precisely determining the dimensions of your lawn.
    • For lawns that are round or otherwise non-rectangular in shape, a measurement wheel is an indispensable tool.
    • If you want an exact measurement of your lawn’s size, a GPS measurement application may be helpful.
    • Using your phone’s GPS, these programmes can determine how big your grass is.
    • You can obtain a rough idea of how big your lawn is by using a service like Google Earth or MapMyRun.
    • To calculate how big your lawn is, these apps consult satellite imagery.
    • You may now calculate how many square feet of artificial grass will be needed for your yard or other area.
    • Measure your area as though it were a rectangle and square for the most straightforward results, regardless of its shape.
    • Now, get a ruler and some graph paper, and sketch your circular lawn to scale.
    • Then, find the length of each of the 15-foot-wide strips you’ve created from the circle.
    • You should create two equal rectangular portions out of the space.
    • Using a measuring tape, tally up the dimensions of each square or rectangle.
    • Then, measure the perimeter of each rectangle.
    • Depending on the size of your triangular lawn, taking its measurements can be a breeze or a hassle.
    • First, get some graph paper and measure all three parts of your triangle.
    • If the length of your x-axis leg isn’t divisible by 15, plan for an extra turf strip to cover the difference.
    • Multiply the length by width to obtain the floor space of a rectangle or square yard.
    • To cover an area of 2,432 square feet in grass, you would need a yard at least 64 feet wide and 38 feet long.
    • Regardless of the actual shape of your lawn, visualising it as a grid of rectangles may prove useful.
    • Using the triangle lawn as an example, you would require three artificial grass strips measuring. The area is 720 square feet (15 x 48).
    • To determine the total floor space of fake grass for a circular, L-shaped lawn, measure the square of each strip of turf needed and add the results together.
    • If you know how much space you want to cover with synthetic grass, we can give you a more precise quote.
    • Remember that other aspects besides the square footage affect the price of installing artificial grass.
    • Some variables that affect how much you’ll pay for synthetic turf are outlined below.
    • A turf installation’s final price will depend on these primary elements and various secondary considerations.
    • It is essential to take precise measurements of the area to be turfed to avoid either buying too little or too much turf.
    • Checking your measures twice for accuracy is crucial for the following reasons:You can save money and time by accurately estimating the square footage of your lawn before making any turf purchases.
    • You can avoid this kind of problem by checking your work twice.
    • Taking an extra moment to measure can save you time and money in the long run.
    • Your lawn’s size can be more precisely determined if you measure it twice.
    • While installing turf, it’s important to double-check your measurements and calculations to save waste, save time & expense, and get a perfect fit.
    • If you take enough time to verify your dimensions twice, you can have a gorgeous lawn while wasting less material and spending less money.
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