When Is the Best Time of Day to Mow My Lawn?

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    Mowing is a crucial task to maintain a healthy and attractive lawn. It is considered the most significant aspect of lawn maintenance, and the timing of the first mowing can significantly impact the overall appearance of your garden.

    Mowing the lawn involves more than what most people think. Besides knowing when to cut the grass, how frequently to do it, and the proper technique, have you ever considered the best time of day to mow? Experts have varying opinions on this matter; some argue that it’s important, while others believe it’s not significant.

    There are various factors that influence the time when we perform our tasks, not just the time of day. Factors such as work and family schedules, homeowner agreements, city regulations, weather conditions, and location are all taken into account. 

    While neighbors might disapprove of mowing early in the morning, it may not matter as much if you reside in a rural area. Moreover, it’s possible that social norms may differ depending on the season.

    For example, is it more acceptable to use a snowblower at daybreak than to mow your lawn at a similar time? While there are varying opinions on this, I believe that it is important to consider the best time of day to mow your lawn if you want to keep it healthy and vibrant.

    The Best Time to Mow Your Lawn

    Mowing the lawn is a common task that needs to be done regularly during the warmer months. This activity not only promotes a sturdy root system but also stimulates more growth and makes the grass more resilient to dry weather conditions.

    When it comes to the health of the grass, there are differing opinions but some general consensus. It’s commonly agreed upon that mowing during the hottest part of a summer day should be avoided as lawns are already stressed from lack of moisture and are more susceptible to damage during this time.

    It is widely acknowledged that mowing wet grass is not beneficial for the lawn. When grass is wet, it tends to stick together in the mower and on the lawn, causing harm to the roots and leading to unsightly brown spots.

    The mid-morning and late afternoon are two ideal times of the day to mow lawns.

    Mowing in the late afternoon can be beneficial as the temperature is starting to decrease, reducing stress on the grass. However, mid-morning is considered the best time to mow as there is adequate time for the dew to evaporate, but the peak heat of the day has not yet arrived. This allows the grass to recover before being exposed to the full heat of the sun.

    Early Morning

    Mowing the lawn early in the morning is not recommended as the grass is usually covered with morning dew, which can make it difficult to mow and result in poor grass cutting. This can cause the grass to tear, creating a perfect entry point for diseases and fungi that can infect the lawn.


    While there is some disagreement in the gardening community about the importance of choosing a specific time of day for mowing your lawn, most professional gardeners would recommend mowing between 8 AM and 10 AM. 

    This is because lawns need time to recover before evening, and require the daylight hours to dry and heal. Early morning mowing can be harmful to the grass due to the presence of dew, while mowing during the early afternoon can cause damage due to high temperatures. Therefore, mid-morning is considered the ideal time for mowing, provided that it fits into your schedule.


    While it is possible to mow your lawn during midday, it is not the best time. This is because the high temperature and intense sunlight can stress out the turf.

    Additionally, if you need to cut more than the top third of the grass, such as when you have fallen behind on your lawn maintenance, mowing during midday may cause the lawn to burn.

    It is important to regularly mow your lawn and avoid cutting more than the top third of the grass.


    While midday is not the most ideal time to mow the lawn due to the scorching sun that can stress out the turf, it is generally safe to do so. However, to avoid damaging your lawn, it’s recommended that you only cut the top third of the grass if mowing during midday. 

    Mowing more than that can expose the tiny plants in your lawn to the hot sun, which can be harmful to them. Additionally, mowing during midday can make your mower extra hot and increase the risk of burns. It’s generally best to avoid mowing in hot weather altogether.

    Late Afternoon

    must have maintenance gardner melbourne

    Cutting the grass in the late afternoon, specifically between 4pm and 6pm, is a favorable time as the temperature tends to be cooler. This means that the grass won’t be stressed due to the heat. Additionally, there’s ample time for the grass to recover and heal before the nightfall, and another layer of dew. 

    If you have a mulching mower, it would be beneficial to mulch the grass clippings back into your lawn. This process will recycle crucial nutrients and moisture back into the turf, which will help to promote a healthier lawn.


    Mowing your lawn very late in the day, similar to mowing it early in the morning, is not recommended. While it may be cooler in the evening, it still poses risks such as exposing the grass to disease and fungal infections.

    Additionally, the grass may not have enough time to recover before nightfall, making it best to avoid mowing in the evening altogether.

    How Frequently Should You Mow the Grass?

    The type of grass you have and the time of year will dictate how often you need to mow the lawn. As grass growth is steady rather than rapid in the spring, weekly mowing should be sufficient. Grass growth accelerates in the summer heat, potentially necessitating weekly mowings even in the height of the season. Keep up with your regular mowing schedule, especially during wet periods. 

    Maintaining a healthy lawn during hot weather necessitates watering it about an inch per week. Keep the grass mowed at least once every two weeks during a drought, but don’t mow it too short. Your lawn will continue to grow until the daytime temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 

    It is recommended to apply a heavy dose of fertiliser to your lawn just before winter sets in. Mowing should be finished for the season by the time frost appears on the ground or the temperature drops below freezing.

    You can mow the lawn on occasion if the ground is dry and not frozen. You can check the first frost date in a farmer’s almanack or a weather guide to know when to cut your grass for the last time before the winter. Mow twice or thrice before then, lowering the cutting height each time. After a long winter, your lawn should be at least three inches tall before you cut it, and there should be no frost on the ground.

    When Not to Mow Your Lawn

    Mowing the lawn in the early morning is usually not recommended since the grass is still wet with dew, causing it to clump and stick to the mower blades. Although the cooler temperature may seem enticing, having to stop frequently to remove the clumps will increase the amount of time spent on the task.

    Furthermore, the cut of the grass won’t be even and consistent, and you’ll probably have to rake up clumps of wet grass that the mower throws out. This means that any advantage gained by working in the cool morning hours is lost due to the extra time needed to clean up the yard.

    Mowing the lawn in the early morning with wet grass and blades can create favorable conditions for the spread of diseases in areas of the lawn with diseased grass. Therefore, it is not recommended to mow the lawn during this time of day.

    Although noon is better than early morning to mow the lawn, it is still not the ideal time. This is because Australian summers can be very hot, and mowing the lawn during the hottest part of the day can cause stress to the grass.

    During the time when the sun is at its highest, plant life undergoes the most active photosynthesis and chemical processes. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain moisture during this period for the health of the lawn.

    Mowing the lawn in the middle of the day is not recommended because the process of mowing cuts off the tips of the grass, leading to more moisture loss through evaporation.

    Mowing the lawn in the early evening is not recommended as it does not give the grass enough time to recover from being cut. With limited sunlight left in the day, the lawn may not be able to recuperate well enough to withstand the next day’s heat and sun.

    Never Mow With Dull Blades!

    Don’t make this common lawn care mistake.

    It is not commonly known, but having sharp blades is actually more important than the time of day for mowing. It may seem trivial, but it can have a significant impact on the health of your lawn. If your mower blades are dull, they can tear the grass instead of making a clean cut, which can create an opening for diseases and fungi to enter. Therefore, it is essential to keep your blades sharp to maintain a healthy lawn.

    When Is the Best Time to Cut Grass After Rain?

    It’s a good rule of thumb to avoid mowing wet grass, which includes avoiding mowing the lawn early in the morning when the grass is still dewy. Additionally, it’s best to wait until after watering to mow.

    Here are all the reasons why:

    Furthermore, the soil can be damaged by mowing wet grass. Soil compaction and subsequent lack of drainage can be brought on by the mower’s weight. The grass’s health and appearance may suffer as a result, as it may find it more difficult to take in oxygen, water, and nutrients. To avoid uneven cutting and soil and grass damage, you should wait until the grass is dry before mowing.

    Mowers can tear the grass out of the ground if it is wet, and diseases thrive on wet grass. Accidents and injuries are also possible when mowing wet grass. Keeping all of that in mind, is it better to cut the grass before or after it rains?

    If you want to avoid having to wait for the grass to dry out before the next mowing, you should mow the lawn before it starts to rain heavily. On the other hand, mowing the lawn is best done in the middle of the day. 

    You can give the morning dew enough time to dry if you mow between 8 and 10 in the morning, making that the best time of day to cut the grass. Mowing at these times also protects you from heat exhaustion and sunburn that can occur if you work in the heat of the day.

    Getting Help From Experts

    It’s important to remember that requesting a specific time of day for your lawn to be mowed may result in an additional fee if you hire a professional lawn mowing service. This is because these services optimise their schedules according to route density, meaning they travel through the area making as few stops as possible.


    lawn mowing 04

    Mowing is a crucial task to maintain a healthy and attractive lawn, and the timing of the first mowing can significantly impact the overall appearance of the garden. Experts have varying opinions on the best time of day to mow, and factors such as work and family schedules, homeowner agreements, city regulations, weather conditions, and location are all taken into account. It is commonly agreed upon that mowing during the hottest part of a summer day should be avoided as lawns are already stressed from lack of moisture and are more susceptible to damage during this time. Mid-morning and late afternoon are two ideal times of the day to mow lawns. Mowing in the late afternoon is beneficial as it reduces stress on the grass.

    Mid-morning is the best time to mow as it allows the grass to recover before being exposed to the full heat of the sun. Early morning mowing is not recommended as it can cause the grass to tear and create an entry point for diseases and fungi. Midday is not the best time to mow the lawn due to the high temperature and intense sunlight. Afternoon mowing is safe, but only cut the top third of the grass. It is best to avoid mowing in hot weather altogether.

    Cutting the grass in the late afternoon is a good idea as it allows the grass to recover and heal before nightfall. Evening mowing is not recommended as it poses risks such as exposing the grass to disease and fungal infections. Regular mowing should be sufficient, especially during wet periods. Fertiliser should be applied just before winter sets in. Mowing should be finished by the first frost date or the temperature drops below freezing.

    After a long winter, the lawn should be at least three inches tall before cutting it. The most important details in this text are that mowing the lawn in the early morning is not recommended as it can create favorable conditions for the spread of diseases in areas of the lawn with diseased grass. Additionally, mowing the lawn in the middle of the day is not recommended as it cuts off the tips of the grass, leading to more moisture loss through evaporation. Finally, mowing the lawn in the early evening is not recommended as it does not give the grass enough time to recover from being cut. It is important to avoid mowing wet grass after rain, as it can damage the soil and the grass’s health.

    To avoid uneven cutting and soil and grass damage, it is best to wait until the grass is dry before mowing. It is also important to remember that requesting a specific time of day for your lawn mowing may result in an additional fee if you hire a professional lawn mowing service.

    Content Summary

    • Mowing is a crucial task for maintaining a healthy and attractive lawn.
    • The timing of the first mowing can significantly impact the overall appearance of your garden.
    • There are various factors that influence the time when we perform lawn mowing, including work and family schedules, homeowner agreements, city regulations, weather conditions, and location.
    • Mowing wet grass is not beneficial for the lawn, as it tends to stick together and cause harm to the roots, leading to unsightly brown spots.
    • Mid-morning is considered the best time to mow the lawn, as there is adequate time for the dew to evaporate, but the peak heat of the day has not yet arrived.
    • Early morning is not recommended for mowing the lawn as the grass is usually covered with morning dew, making it difficult to mow and resulting in poor grass cutting.
    • Most professional gardeners recommend mowing between 8 AM and 10 AM, as lawns need time to recover before evening, and require the daylight hours to dry and heal.
    • Mowing during midday can stress out the turf due to high temperatures and intense sunlight.
    • Mowing in hot weather can increase the risk of burns to the mower and expose the tiny plants in your lawn to the hot sun, which can be harmful to them.
    • Cutting the grass in the late afternoon, specifically between 4 pm and 6 pm, is a favorable time as the temperature tends to be cooler.
    • Mowing your lawn very late in the day, similar to mowing it early in the morning, is not recommended as it poses risks such as exposing the grass to disease and fungal infections.
    • The frequency of lawn mowing is dictated by the type of grass you have and the time of year.
    • Mowing promotes a sturdy root system and stimulates more growth, making the grass more resilient to dry weather conditions.
    • Mowing during the hottest part of a summer day should be avoided as lawns are already stressed from lack of moisture and are more susceptible to damage during this time.
    • Grass growth and the type of grass you have will determine how often you need to mow the lawn.
    • Mulching the grass clippings back into your lawn can recycle crucial nutrients and moisture back into the turf, promoting a healthier lawn.
    • There is some disagreement in the gardening community about the importance of choosing a specific time of day for mowing your lawn.
    • The temperature during mowing can stress the grass.
    • Mowing during the early afternoon can cause damage due to high temperatures.
    • It is important to regularly mow your lawn and avoid cutting more than the top third of the grass.
    • Mowing the lawn involves more than what most people think.
    • The timing of mowing can affect the overall health of the lawn.
    • It is important to consider the best time of day to mow your lawn if you want to keep it healthy and vibrant.
    • Experts have varying opinions on the significance of choosing the best time of day to mow the lawn.
    • Social norms may differ depending on the season, for example, using a snowblower at daybreak may be more acceptable than mowing the lawn at a similar time.
    • Mowing can cause the grass to tear, creating a perfect entry point for diseases and fungi that can infect the lawn.
    • Mowing during the late afternoon can be beneficial as the temperature is starting to decrease, reducing stress on the grass.
    • Mowing the lawn early in the morning can be harmful to the grass due to the presence of dew.


    How Long Should I Wait to Mow?

    New lawns need time for their roots to become established before they can be mowed for the first time. For seeded lawns, it may take up to 2 months before they are ready to be mowed. Sod may be ready to be mowed within 2 to 3 weeks of planting.

    Why Should You Wait to Mow?

    Allowing your lawn to stay untouched for so long will give your soil time to absorb all of the nutrients before your grass length gets too out of hand. Another benefit to mowing the lawn right before your fertilization treatment is the grass clippings that it will leave behind.

    Is It Better To Mow Before Or After It Rains?

    For a healthy, beautiful lawn, it’s important to mow properly. That means mowing before rain, so that the clippings can act as a mulch to protect the soil; and after rain, so that the blades are less likely to tear. It also means avoiding scalping, which can damage the grass and leave it vulnerable to disease.

    Does Cutting Grass Low Make It Thicker?

    Mowing actually helps make your grass grow thicker because the tip of each blade contains hormones that suppress horizontal growth. When you cut the lawn, you remove these tips allowing the grass to spread and grow thicker near the roots.

    Is It Better To Mow Twice A Week?

    When the grass is growing rapidly, you will need to mow more often. Mow less often when the grass is growing slow. Cool-season lawns, like Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass should be mowed about two times per week in the spring and fall, and about one time per week during the summer.

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